EMDR Europe-Accredited Consultant, BABCP accredited CBT Therapist

James has worked in NHS mental health care for over 30 years, as a Nurse in a variety of settings, and since 2010 as a Psychotherapist within a specialist team.

In 2014 he was one of the first EMDR Enthusiasts in the UK to train in depth (attending together with Mark Brayne a small training event in York ) with Dr Laurel Parnell.

During his NHS therapy work James has worked with PTSD and Complex Trauma , especially as experienced by military veterans and blue light staff, adult survivors of childhood trauma, migrant populations and survivors of torture , often working with interpreters .

James is a BABCP accredited CBT Therapist, and an EMDR Europe-Accredited Consultant. He is also developing his experience in Internal Family Systems Therapy and is pursuing certification in this approach.

He lives in Derbyshire with his family .