Our Workshops

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Our ‘Unleash your EDMR’ workshops focus on the following principles

Case conceptualisation

Attachment-informed EMDR-informed case conceptualisation as central to working with the root causes of almost all client presentations.

Attachment-informed target identification

The proactive use of bridging (aka floatback – a term we don’t use!) to identify developmental targets most likely to deliver change in a client’s current life.

Creative imagination

The use of creative imagination, and of nurturing, protector and wise support figures, in effective resourcing, processing, revealing, rewiring, repairing for even the most complex clients.

Session structure

The critical importance and value of session structure (starting often in the present, bridging to the past and always coming back to the Now to anchor the session’s relevance) when working with developmental deficits. Never again have an incomplete session.


A wide range of imaginal and creative interweaves to facilitate client healing in accordance with the principles of what Francine Shapiro identified as Adaptive Information Processing, the AIP model.

Working intuitively

Whether working in the here and now or with intergenerational narratives, parts and especially dreams, we place special emphasis on the role of creative imagination and intuition – both the client’s and our own as therapist.