Our vision
EMDR Focus is a private, UK-based company bringing advanced EMDR workshops, supervision, support and passion to empower colleagues around the world to Release the Magic, as we put rather cheekily put it, of this extraordinarily powerful therapy.
You can contact us here or by phone on +44 7711 888682.
We call our way of teaching and using EMDR “attachment-informed”, or ai-EMDR for short with the lower case “ai” both to differentiate it from the capital AI of artificial intelligence, and also to emphasise that this isn’t a whole new EMDR protocol, but rather a Core Framework.
Honouring the value of the EMDR Standard Protocol’s eight-phase/three-pronged structure, we know so many colleagues who’ve trained in EMDR and never quite got going with it, and who, especially when working with clients presenting with more complex dysfunction rooted in childhood experiences of attachment to primary caregivers, find themselves at times constrained by what can be misunderstood as Standard Protocol rigidity.
However you engage with EMDR Focus, especially on one of our Unleash Your EMDR workshops, we hope you’ll be inspired to go deeper with an EMDR informed by comprehensive case conceptualisation, resourcing, intuitive and powerful target identification and session structure (never have an incomplete one again!) to make a real difference in your clients’ lives.

And if you do join us, you will find us drawing much inspiration from the artwork of Jonny Hutton (son of a close EMDR colleague of ours) especially created for EMDR Focus, with its friendly cat (not after all a sabre-tooth tiger), its child left lonely with teddy in the bedroom, with the ivy of old attachment stories clinging to the oak of the present, and stepping stones across the river that take us into our clients’ formative past.
Curious? All will be explained – and scroll on down for an introduction to the team, and for some warm testimonials.