Part 2 Feedback0.2 Part 2 Feedback Form0.2 Part 2 Feedback Form Thank you for joining us on Unleash Your EMDR Part 2, and here's where you can give us always-useful feedback and unleash, as it were, by return email your attendance certificate. Note that the EMDR Association UK and EMDRIA stipulate that we can issue attendance certificates only to those who took part in every live triad/dyad practicum, as these are not recorded and an essential element of the workshop. You'll also need to have either attended live or caught up on the recording of every part of the workshop. If you do not wish to submit feedback, but qualify for an attendance certificate, you'll need to email us and ask for one HERE, specifying please in your note which workshop you attended. You can then close this page without proceeding. You'll notice in the form below that there are now several questions around diversity and inclusion, which we are required to include, with the precise wording, in line with EMDR UK requirements. Recordings where relevant are accessible for one month following the event and must under no circumstances be downloaded or captured locally. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Mark Brayne and the EMDR Focus teamFeedback options. * I am happy to include my name and email address. I would rather submit my feedback anonymously.Which Part 2 Workshop did you attend? PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE CORRECT DATES. * January 24-26 2025 March 3-5 2025 January 19-21 2026 February 27-March 1 2026Did you attend the entire workshop live, including practicums? * Yes, attended everything live. No, missed parts, but attended all practicums (triads/dyads) live and have caught up with the recordings of the rest. Missed at least one of the practicums live. Note this means that with regret we cannot issue an attendance certificate.Name * Name First First Last Last Email (Please retype in second box to make sure it's correct.) * Confirm Email (Please retype in second box to make sure it's correct.) * Unleash Your EMDR Part 2 - Aims and ObjectivesTo equip therapists already trained in the basic EMDR protocols and the ai-EMDR core framework with skills to work creatively and effectively with clients presenting with dysfunctions rooted in attachment and developmental experiences in childhood.To refresh skills in attachment-informed case conceptualisation and target identification;To master the ai-EMDR intergenerational extended interweave, working directly with parental and attachment introjects, and cultural, national, ethnic and religious trauma/formative experience handed down from the past;To identify and work creatively with ego states and parts, and the transfer of perspective/ consciousness;To use creative, imaginal, transpersonal attachment-informed EMDR with dreams;To refresh knowledge and skills relating to attachment-informed session structure and creative interweaves. 1. To what extent do you feel the aims and objectives of the workshop as outlined above were met? (Zero on the left is "not at all, or poor" and 10 on the right is "fully, or excellent") * 5 1a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. 2. To what extent has this event enhanced your clinical skills and understanding of the topic? * 5 2a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. Please click the Yes to open a list of EDI objectives for EMDR Focus workshops Yes No, don't bother!EDI Aims and Objectives. What you should be able to do after attending this event.Promote Cultural Competency in Attachment Work Aim to increase participants' understanding of how cultural backgrounds and individual differences influence attachment styles and trauma responses, enhancing culturally sensitive EMDR practices.Foster an Inclusive Learning Environment Ensure the training atmosphere is respectful, welcoming, and inclusive of participants from diverse backgrounds, including different races, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses.Highlight the Impact of Intersectionality on Trauma Educate participants on how intersecting identities (e.g., race, gender, disability, and sexuality) may affect clients' experiences of trauma and attachment, helping therapists recognize and address these factors in treatment.Encourage Self-Reflection on Bias and Assumptions Provide opportunities for participants to explore their own biases and assumptions regarding attachment and trauma, promoting self-awareness to improve therapeutic effectiveness and equity in client care.Develop Skills for Working with Marginalized and Underserved Populations Equip participants with practical strategies to support clients from marginalized communities who may have unique attachment and trauma experiences due to historical, systemic, or social inequalities.Commit to Ongoing Learning and Advocacy Encourage participants to view EEDI principles as ongoing commitments, advocating for equity and inclusion both in their therapeutic practices and within the broader field of mental health. 3. Inasfar as this event had stated objectives relating to Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI), how well do you feel these were addressed?? * 5 3a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. 4. To what extent do you feel the event considered working with clients from diverse/underserved communities? * 5 4a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. 5. To what extent were your individual learning needs met in this workshop? * 5 5a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. 6. How would you rate the presenter's skills, knowledge and leadership of this event? * 5 6a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. 7. How inclusive did you find the event, for yourself personally and for the larger group? * 5 7a. (Optional) Please expand on your answer. 8. What did you most like about taking part in the event? * 9. How do think this webinar/workshop might be improved? * 10. Overall, how would you rate the workshop? * 5 10a. Feel free to expand on your answer Any further comments, including about any particular Facilitator? In confidence if necessary - all feedback helps, though please be kind. Are you a Member of your National EMDR Association (EMDR UK/Europe, EMDRIA, EMDRAA etc?) * Yes NoWe're sorry you don't want to add your name. It always means more to us, and is more helpful, when we know who the feedback is from. If you have ticked the appropriate boxes, here's where you can download your attendance certificate. Please make sure you choose only the one that's for the event you attended.We're sorry you don't want to add your name. It always means more to us, and is more helpful, when we know who the feedback is from. If you have ticked the appropriate boxes, here's where you can download your attendance certificate. Please make sure you choose only the one that's for the event you attended. Captcha Submit