Mark and Jutta celebrating 10 years back together at Glasgow EMDR UK conference March 2023
It’s been a while since anyone last posted a proper blog contribution on the EMDR Focus website, so herewith, with an acknowledgment of how much more could be done with this space, an update from Mark and Jutta about the immediate months ahead, as Attachment-Informed EMDR gets ever-increasing traction, it seems, out there in real world.
First, it’s enormously rewarding to see, especially now three years after Covid changed the game, how working with EMDR online and with an explicit attachment focus are becoming mainstream, with rewardingly warm and consistent feedback from those joining us on our Unleash your EMDR workshops Parts 1 and 2, as well of course as from clients (of mine as well as yours) who fairly consistently report how AI-EMDR is changing their lives.
We’ve posted an enjoyable selection of those trainee testimonials on the website here, and you might find them fun to spool through – noting that since the Unleash workshops started in 2017, and particularly since we went fully online in April 2020, we’ve now had nearly 1500 attendees (multiple-counting those who’ve done more than one workshop, but still well over a thousand indviduals) coming through our virtual and earlier in-person AI-EMDR doors, plus nearly 400 who joined us with Laurel Parnell in the UK the pre-pandemic days.
Wow! And thanks to everyone who’s been part of this for joining us on the journey.

Daisy 2 loaded from an earlier ride – this time we’re going electric, with a trailer…
Which brings me to the purpose of this unusual blog post, which is to flag up that Jutta and I (Mark, that is) are now heading out into northern Europe for three months on our tandem Daisy2, as part of a six-month break from frontline EMDR before in September/October we re-engage with workshops, consultation groups, webinars and individual therapy.
In the meantime, as many of you already know from the AI-EMDR Google Group and the EMDR Focus mailing list (to whom a version of this blog post will also be going), our daughter Katharine Brayne together with stalwart and leading EMDR Focus team member Dr Katie Heath-Tilford (Smith until recently, and shortly as I write in late April 2023 to become a mum for the first time), will be running the show, and forwarding essential emails to us on the road, so I’m not on another planet.
Here’s Katharine:
And here’s Katie:

So, stay well everyone, and depending where you are on this planet, see you in the autumn/fall/spring.